Divine Time Freedom 2-Day Virtual Retreat

Get the Simple Faith-Based System to Transform Your Schedule
in a Weekend and Restore Peace, Order, and Joy

September 25-26 | Zoom Conference

Event Completed

You Can Simplify Your Schedule & Transform Your Life in Just 2 days

2020 was a stressful year as the pressure, stress, and uncertainty sky-rocketed. But it also brought a tremendous gift to people of faith to recognize that in an uncertain world, there was a certain God.

It also forced us to recognize that we had to rethink our schedules. For some, the last year brought a reduction in commitments with the shift to remote work and many day-to-day activities shuttered. For others, there was a sharp spike in commitments as they found themselves schooling their kids or caring for elderly parents while attempting to work.

For everyone, it was a change.

Now as we transition into the next phase of life, there are a lot of questions to answer around:

  • What activities do I release from my pre-2020 lifestyle and what do I return to as I can?
  • What changes from the past year do I want to keep, such as remote working?
  • What will help me to be a happy, healthy, balanced individual?
  • What does it look to be aligned with God’s purposes for me now?

I have a solution.

Join me for this special weekend in September where I will share a simple faith-based system to transform your schedule, your peace & your joy

In this 2-Day retreat you will learn and be empowered:

  • To get more of the important work done
  • To have more time to sleep
  • To exercise more regularly
  • To be a happier, healthier person
  • To really invest in your relationship with God

C E O R e a l L i f e E . c o m

I See These Kinds of Changes Every Day. Where People Open Up More Time Than They Previously Thought Possible 

Give me two days of your time, and I will show you exactly how to get these results too.

This value-packed virtual retreat is going to show you how to declutter your schedule and get everything in your life in its place so you stop feeling scattered and pressured and start feeling peaceful and centered.

I breakdown the simple process for you and we’ll go through it together.

Event Completed

This special event is for you if you:

  • Feel overwhelmed by your schedule—or lack of schedule and routines
  • Crave more breathing room in your life so you don’t feel so rushed and pressured
  • Want to eliminate excess activities and simplify down to a simpler life
  • Want to honor God with your schedule with a Christian, faith-based approach
  • Know that you can’t keep putting your own needs last

Transforming Your Schedule is the Key to Enjoying Your Life Again—

And Having the Time and Energy You Need for What You Love Most!

Not only can you open up time to finally relax, but also you can get more done each week because what is in your schedule is what’s truly most important to you.

I released my book on Divine Time Management in 2017.
Through writing this book, I realized how important it is to have a truly God-centered approach to time management.

I’ve never lost that focus. But what did happen to me in 2021, was a ramp up in commitments both personally and professionally, including volunteering with foster kids, developing new parts of my business, and dealing with natural disasters like flooding and storm-caused multi-day blackouts in Michigan. And all of the sudden, I found myself feeling overly pressured and stressed.

I was thankful for the wisdom of previous lessons learned, along with a number of tools & strategies that I was able to leverage to turn things around, reclaiming that lost time and energy that was so vital in helping me enjoy life, even in the midst of crazy times.

These are the strategies that I'll be sharing with you during our time together at the Divine Time Freedom Retreat.

Day 1 | Saturday Sept 25th

Schedule 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM EST

Reconnect with God

You’ll learn how to reconnect with God. During our time together we’ll create space to invite the “divine” back into our time management by slowing down, taking a breath, and seeking God in prayer.

De-Clutter Your Schedule

You’ll have the opportunity to declutter your schedule by letting go of the activities that aren’t in alignment with what you’re called to do right now.

Free Yourself From Guilt & Pressure

You’ll free yourself from unrealistic expectations that make you feel guilty and pressured.  

Step-by-Step Method

I’ll share with you a step-by-step method to put together a transformed weekly schedule so that you know exactly what to do and when.

Day 2 | Sunday Sept 26th

Schedule 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST

Discern God's Part & Your Part

You’ll discover how to discern between what is God’s part in your time management process and what is your part. So you’re not struggling with doing too much or too little.

Powerful Scripts for Saying "No"

You’ll learn powerful scripts for saying no and renegotiating expectations so you can disentangle yourself from stressful situations.

More Connection With God

You’ll learn strategies for incorporating more connection with God throughout your days.  

Hope for the Future

I'll share with you stories of hope and inspiration of how you can have a more peaceful, centered schedule even if you've tried before and failed.

"Elizabeth Grace Saunders does an outstanding job of coaching, encouraging, and training her clients to achieve better work-life balance. She is compassionate, caring, and contributes a wealth of resources and knowledge in the area of time-management skills to each and every appointment call. It’s a pleasure and privilege to recommend you to all others who are seeking a dedicated coach to help bring their lifestyle to that of one lived in greater peace, higher professional purpose and productivity, and deep personal enjoyment."

- Tonya Le Ramsey
Founder and CEO at Anew Studios

"I have always been a self-motivated learner- able to seek out and find the information I need to move forward in my life and business. However, life has it’s own wonderful way of being able to humble us sometimes. After a season of a number and variety of life challenges, I found ‘capable me’ at a point of high stress, frustration and overwhelm and desperately in need of help beyond what I could do on my own. It has been a gift of God that I found Elizabeth. You will find that you can leap forward, thrive and come more alive when you have a person or group of people walking with you through life and business- success beyond what simple books, tools and resources can provide. Elizabeth is so much MORE. ”

-Jim Evans
Senior Software Engineer, NPV

Divine Time Freedom | 2-Day Virtual Retreat Pass


Transforming Your Schedule Can Transform Your Life by Opening Up Time For What’s Important to You and Freeing You to Be Who God Made You to Be

I have been teaching clients how to transform their schedules for over 12 years, and the in-depth training provided at this virtual retreat is valued at $1,997. But since this is the first time I’ll be sharing this information in a two-day event retreat format…

I’m offering a grand opening special, with a deep 90% discount on the tuition

That means you can learn how to Transform Your Schedule in a Weekend for just $197 – a nominal sum that can pay off in increased time, increased peace, decreased stress, and most importantly a deeper sense of connection with God.

$1997 only $197

“I ‘up-leveled’ my life by spending my time on the things I value most and streamlining other parts of my schedule. Elizabeth’s unique perspective and insight on time investment was invaluable. As my time coach, she had keen insight into my life with practical next steps.”

- Joyce LeFevre
Senior V&V Engineer at Philips Healthcare

“I am so excited about this ! I have been loving this class and working with you. You have allowed for such a major transformation in my life – I have realized that a lot of my anxiety / worry was coming from a lack of planning / having my priorities in line. I am practicing everything we have talked about in class and it is helping. I still need a lot of practice but I am coming along great !”

- Paige Waugh

"For years, I permitted many distractions to consistently pull me away from my stated priorities of faith and family. While I was doing pretty well, I realized I could do much better. I was drawn to Elizabeth Saunders' Divine Time Management, partially because of my familiarity with her as a best selling author helping people set and achieve goals, but mainly because she was boldly taking a step of faith in her walk with Jesus Christ as Lord of her life. The course has exceeded my expectations in terms of helping me focus attention in those areas having eternal consequences. As a result of our group's discussions and Elizabeth's mentoring, my walk with the God has dramatically improved; I have learned to place greater trust in Him rather than leaning on my own understanding. I have been able to let go of many things that were keeping me from the most important things in my life, enabling me to become a better Christian, husband, father, and physician. I feel blessed to have been part of this endeavor, and I strongly recommend this program as a means towards assisting individuals reach their God-given potential in life."

- J. Michael Casparian, M.D.

"I don't think I'll be able to fully put into words the tremendous impact the program has had. At the start of Divine Time Management, I was overwhelmed finishing out a work project prior to starting on a sabbatical, a huge backlog of 'unfinished' business on a personal level as well as the impending holidays. Part of the reason for the sabbatical is to come back to work with a healthier perspective. I'm in my 50's and in any job I've ended up doing the work of two or three people, which has been confirmed by my being replaced by two or three people! Each time, I'd say the next time will be different. However, it hasn't been and I've come to realize the problem is me. In more ways than one it's very much like I keep dating the same guy but with a different face. I signed up for the course as a way to help me get to the bottom of my issues. It has helped me stay the course as I transitioned out of my work and not feel lost and spin my wheels in the process and also once fully done. I was mostly done as of Jan. 22 but I was fully done earlier this week when I deleted my work email off my phone. DTM helped me accomplish the transition and has helped me move forward in ways I've been stuck for decades. Elizabeth's sharing in each group session has been so appropriate to helping me get to the root of my 'overwork.' The group members sharing has helped me feel like I'm not alone in my struggles and also gives insight, perspective and encouragement to stay the course through sharing of our unique experiences. Having the monthly individual coaching session provides accountability and a time to address issues that are unique to me. At this point in the program I sense that I'm deepening my trust in God. He really is God and can be trusted. I had no idea of how deep was my sense of over-responsibility and need to cross every t and dot every i. Also I had very little idea of its historical and spiritual roots. As we've uncovered these through the exercises and dealt with them, I've begun to overcome them to get to a healthier place - of knowing what is my responsibility, others' responsibility and God's responsibility. It's easier for me to "see" what to do and what not to do. I could see the calm and ability to set boundaries increasing even as I finished out program."

- Mary Ellen, non-profit program director

Special Event Bonuses

All attendees will receive the following additional bonuses:



Prior to the retreat, I’ll be leading a live, open prayer time for any of those attending the retreat to attend. This is a time to pray for God’s blessing and protection over the weekend as well as for you to share any prayer requests prior to the start of the retreat, particularly in regard to your schedule.

Prayer Time and Date:
Thursday, September 23
7-8:30 pm ET



Sometimes in the rush of life we lose focus on what and who matters most. That can mean entirely squishing out time for prayer, Bible reading, church, and other activities that help us to draw close to God and His presence.
This simple guide gives you tips on how to reincorporate a daily practice of connecting with God so that you’re aligned, centered and peaceful.



You’ll get the BEST value from participating in the complete live experience of Divine Time Freedom: Transform Your Schedule in a Weekend Retreat.

Attend as many sessions as you can in real time. If you want to review a session or make up a session that you missed, you’ll get access to the on-demand replays for 2 days following the end of the retreat.


What if I’m not sure what I want in my schedule?

No problem. During the two-day retreat, we’ll be walking through what you currently have in your schedule and what you might want to add so that you can experience a peaceful, fulfilling life. You’ll also be seeking God for direction so that you can get a divine perspective on what to add or subtract from your life.

What if I’m too busy to attend both days?

I understand! Most people who need a schedule transformation are exceptionally busy. But I’ve found that if you want to get less busy that you need to take some time to really think about how to make that happen. “Less busy” won’t just happen to you.

During this content-rich, interactive virtual retreat, you’ll be not only learning these concepts but also have the opportunity to start to put them into practice in your life. And you’ll have the opportunity to ask me questions as well as to interact with other members of the retreat.
We’ll also end by 4 pm ET/1 pm PT both days so you’ll be free after the retreat for other commitments.

Your presence matters. You’ll get so much value in participating in both days, it will be well worth investing your time. But, if for some reason you can’t make some of the event, we are offering online replays of the events for two days following the end of the retreat.

What if I’m not a Christian, can I be part of this retreat?

This two-day retreat will be presented from a Christian point of view including prayer, discussions including talking about Jesus, and Bible passages. Individuals from any Christian background are welcome. If you’re not Christian, but would like to attend, you are welcome but need to be respectful that this will be a Christian group and is not a place to debate matters of faith.

The goal of this is to be focused on having our lives aligned with God’s purposes for us.
If you have an interest in attending a similar two-day retreat but without the faith component, I’m considering putting on a Transform Your Schedule in a Weekend Retreat in January that would include the practical content without the spiritual component. You can join the wait list here:
Transform Your Schedule Wait List

How do I know if this is the time to transform my schedule?

If you’re feeling on the verge of burnout or simply feeling a bit empty and “off,” transforming your schedule could be the key to regaining your sense of peace, joy, fulfillment and connection with God, yourself and others.

I find that in life that it only takes small shifts to make a big impact and to re-center yourself on God’s will. This retreat will give you the time, space and direction to do just that.

Will this work for me?

As a time management coach who has helped individuals around the world to improve their time management for over 12 years, I’ve seen that the principles we’ll cover benefit everyone who is looking to simplify their schedule and transform their lives.

If you show up to the retreat and follow along with the assignments, you will see yourself open up time and space to be happy and free.

When and where is the retreat?

This is a virtual retreat so it will happen online through Zoom. The dates will be Saturday, September 25, from 11 am-4 pm ET, and Sunday, September 26, from 12 pm-4 pm ET.

Register Today | Your Peace is Worth It!

You don’t need to live another day feeling stressed, frazzled, or out of sync with God, this retreat can help you take a massive step toward the life you desire to live.

"I came across Divine Time Management when I felt like I was lacking the skills to stay grounded in a busy and sometimes turbulent life. Elizabeth's program was the right fit for me because it combined time management with a foundation in faith and trust in God. That foundation has kept my life stable, given me compassion for myself and others and an ability to let go of what I cannot control. When I began this program, I had a veiled understanding that if I could just control my time that my life would make sense. I now believe that it is not my job to control or even necessary to understand but only to put my time, trust and faith in God and to live out his perfect plan. Elizabeth Saunders brings her care, compassion and authenticity into her group Divine Time Management Program and helped guide my journey to peace and a balanced approach to time management. I was in a place of unrest in my life when I began DTM. I felt like I needed support in centering, moving forward and focusing on what matters. I wanted support in bringing faith into my life again. When I started this program, I was someone who had already researched, read many books and applied many of the different time management techniques. None of which seemed to have the lasting longevity that I was looking for. What they were missing was God. Divine Time Management helps. It taught me how to let go of trying to control things that were out of my control and put my trust and faith in God. It's almost like the opposite of what you immediate think of when you think of a time management program – i.e. buckle down on your time, plan out everything, stick to the schedule. Instead I was taught to prioritize God. In doing I learn to become more in tune with how God is asking me to spend my time and energy, plan according and this resulted in feeling much more relaxed and centered. I learned to put God first on my priority list. God has the plan, he has the answer and he has the ability to make it happen in my life. I just need to stop, listen and accept. I learned in Divine Time Management tools and skills to help me manage my time. Most importantly however, I learned to listen to God and stop trying to control things and people when it was not in my power to do so. Instead I learned to pray, listen and wait for God's timing. Sometimes, this did mean I could continue to do research and educate myself on a topic of interest I had. Other times, it meant stopping and doing nothing because God was telling me the time wasn't right. This program helped me to find calm in the storm, love in the broken and faith in the unknown. I am now able to weather the storm. I am no longer as easily ruffled or unsure of the fall when my feet become unstable. This program has given me the ability to keep in tune with God and turn back to God when I get lost or caught in a storm. I no longer feel afraid knowing that I am not alone but with God. God has a plan for my life and I will keep my eye and heart on him so that he can catch me each time I fall."

- Mady McGrath, teacher

"I'm in the process of starting a new second half of life career. It is important to me to do it God's way. I came upon Divine Time Management and quickly saw that there is definitely a way to align my goals with what God would have for me. Isaiah 30: 21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk it." Elizabeth Grace Saunders taught me how to view time management from a biblical perspective. While I didn't particularly seek out help for managing my day to day time, I wanted encouragement for spending my time God's way. I actually learned more about resting in God and therefore, not striving to do what I think needs to happen in this new business. Elizabeth provided great support during our 1:1 coaching sessions each month. She was filled with the Holy Spirit's leading on each call and I left each call encouraged and ready for my next challenge. I highly recommend Divine Time Management."

- Laura Gouveia, co-active coach

"I heard of Elizabeth's time management and purchased her first book. I had an opportunity to receive a one-on-one call with her and I grabbed ti! She started the call by asking if i was ok with a prayer to begin us and I was so blessed and surprised! I have gained so much from her guidance and insight through Divine Time Management and the group participation.My life lately has been a jigsaw puzzle with all the pieces dumped on the table, but lacking the skills to put it together.The class came at the perfect time to help the process! I know that God works to bring everything together at the right time for our good and at this same time He brought other opportunities for me to learn and grow, that embedded in me and reinforced how I needed to redirect myself. Elizabeth has been a huge support and reminder of God's guidance and directed me towards leaning on scripture throughout the process. And it is a process! The encouragement and support were a gift! I have learned that some of my barriers concerning time maangement may come from not scheduling the right and best ways to use my time. What I planned may not be something I should even have in my plan. Why do I consider those things that aren't the most important? I have so much more clarity by being aware of the undercurrent of what drives me and be more intentional about not continuing down that path. It takes more mindfulness (something else we learned) and intentionality to accomplish what God wants for our lives and what we truly desire. My puzzle pieces are still scattered on the table but the picture is becoming clear. I still struggle with piecing it together, it's hard when you are in the midst of life. I must be realistic but not get discouraged. Before, I knew WHAT to do but not HOW to put it into practice. My tool box is full and I know how to use them! I am grateful for this opportunity to take Divine Time Management and be in this amazing group of people that were willing to share and work through hard issues. I will be moving forward with God to walk with me."

- Lynette, office manager