[caption id="attachment_329" align="alignright" width="225" caption="Charge What You're Worth!"][/caption] Time is Money! Money is Time! If you need more of both, remember this principle: The higher your hourly rate or product price, the less hours you need to work or products… Continue reading
E Tip-Balancing Business Demands
[caption id="attachment_307" align="alignright" width="225" caption="Balance Leads to a Brilliant Life!"][/caption] Simple Work/Life balance is sooo yesterday. Right now we're dealing with Job-Business/Life balance or Business 1-Business 2-Business 3/Life balance. Last week, I lead a time management strategies conference call with… Continue reading
E Event-March 17 at Grand Valley State University
Hi Friends! If you're in Michigan, I would love to meet you in person! Here's info on my next Free and Fun speech! Come out and bring your friends!: Who: Women in business, aspiring women in business, or people interested… Continue reading
E Press-I’m in Inc Magazine on page 22
[caption id="attachment_300" align="alignright" width="300" caption="My definition of success: Spending a work-free week in Hawaii with one of my best friends!"][/caption] 22 must be my lucky number! In the November 2008 issue of Inc magazine, I was featured on p. 22… Continue reading
E Event-Talk in Ann Arbor, Michigan
[caption id="attachment_268" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Elizabeth with an Ann Arbor Mom and Daughter Duo"][/caption] Last Friday, I had the opportunity to share about my entrepreneurial journey, which has been a surprising--yet exciting--walk of faith in so many ways. Not everyone will… Continue reading
E Tip-3 E-Mail Auto Responders to Break E-Mail Addiction
THIS IS A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: E-Mail Addiction Has Reached Epidemic Proportions. If You Don't Take Proper Precautions, It Will Soon Take Over the Planet. Seriously. According to a Kings College study that Tim Ferriss often cites, e-mail and phone… Continue reading