THIS IS A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: E-Mail Addiction Has Reached Epidemic Proportions. If You Don’t Take Proper Precautions, It Will Soon Take Over the Planet.
Seriously. According to a Kings College study that Tim Ferriss often cites, e-mail and phone distractions lower people’s IQ more than drugs. Crazy!
In response to this national crisis, I have been developing a Complete E-Mail Detox Program that will be revealed next week. But to get the ball rolling, I wanted to share a few effective e-mail auto responders that can help you break the vicious cycle of treating your e-mail message indicator like a fire alarm.
Once you set the expectation that you will not immediately respond to e-mail, these auto-responders will become unnecessary. But for now, the e-mails below can be your “patch” during the detox process.
To brilliant e-mail control!
E-Mail Auto Responder #1
Tim Ferriss provides a form e-mail auto responder in Chapter 7 of his book The 4-Hour Workweek. This e-mail corresponds with his suggested method of checking e-mail at 12 p.m. and 4 p.m.
E-Mail Auto Responder #2
This is an auto responder used by Mitch Matthews, a trainer, coach, and connector extraordinaire! Mitch says it’s helped him to psychology let go of the compulsion to constantly respond to e-mail.
Subject Line: “Thanks for connecting! Re: Subject Line of Original E-Mail”
Thanks for your e-mail.
I’m sending this to let you know that due to a number of exciting
projects, I am only checking and responding to e-mail once a day.
You and your e-mail are important.
So… if you need an urgent response, please call the Matthews Group,
Inc. toll-free number at 800.491.5316.
If it is not urgent, know that I will respond to your e-mail as
quickly as possible.
Thanks again for connecting and thanks for understanding this move
towards greater effectiveness.
Have a fantastic day!
Mitch Matthews,
Coach, Speaker & Connector
p: 800.491.5316
f: 515.221.3801
Check out these “kick” connection projects:
E-Mail Auto Responder #3
This is an example of an auto responder from Patrick Combs, a speaker and coach who is on on the road frequently. It lets people know that he cares about their message but might not get back to them immediately.
Ah, your email has arrived but alas it might take me time to respond. So…
If you need an immediate, time sensitive response please contact me through my office: [office manager’s e-mail address] or (858) 759-6994. Phones are more fun anyways.
If you have my direct line, feel free to call me. And…
If you are seeking my coaching, might you consider my coaching program? It puts you on the phone with me on a regular basis and you can ask me anything you wish. It’s less than $1/day.
Many blessings,
Sharing Success,
Patrick Combs
(858) 759-6994
And on FaceBook
Elizabeth Grace Saunders is a trainer who focuses on “Time Strategies to Create a Brilliant Life in a Burnt-Out World.” She teaches others how to control their time instead of letting it control them and practices what she preaches by running two businesses in just 40 hours a week.
I just saw this note in the signature of a member of the staff:
“****Due to work volumes and client requests, please allow a 24-hour response time****”
Another brilliant way to stop e-mail mania!