OK–I know I just talked about Study Hacks in my last post, but I couldn’t resist letting you know about, “Start Your Semester Off Right By Quitting Something.”
In this blog post, Cal shares that:
“As you know, I’m a fiend for a simplicity. I think doing less is the miracle cure for the modern student life. It gives you time affluence which makes you happy. It’s also the only route to becoming famous at something, which will also make you happy.
People often mistake my love for simplicity, however, as a love for inactivity. Nothing could be further from the truth. The goal of my philosophy is to keep significant percentages of your time unscheduled. That is, not dedicated to work.”
I couldn’t agree more. The fact that in 2008 I could build a new speaking business, visit 20 states (including many multiple times), spend 40 days in the wilderness, and create amazing memories with family and friends, is all due to the fact that I pursue radical simplicity in my daily activities. As a rule, I:
- follow a set morning routine (up at 6 a.m., breakfast, quiet time, getting dressed)
- plan the hours I will work each day (8 or 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 or 6 p.m.)
- limit my regularly scheduled events to one to two a week
- meet with people during work hours Monday-Friday only once or twice a week
I’m committed to people, not activities. I follow a somewhat “boring” regular routine so I can routinely enjoy “exciting” adventures.
So the question of the day is, “What can you take out of your life so you can fit in more of what you want?”
Have a brilliant day!
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