OK—I, Elizabeth Grace Saunders, am officially entering the blogosphere.
Yes—I’m a late adapter
No—I don’t think that’s all bad.
Until recently, I wondered how I could fill a unique niche among the 100 million+ blogs. But over the past year, I’ve realized that I have a knack for developing strategies that allow me to succeed at work and life and that others are eager for this info. (Rapid writing on napkins has happened more than once as I passionately and spontaneously share about time management strategies over lattes.)
For over three years, I’ve been a full-time entrepreneur. (First business is Grace Communications Inc. (graceci.com) and the second one is my speaking, training, and coaching company Real Life E® (RealLifeE.com)) But instead of having my businesses consume me, I’ve figured out ways for them to truly suit my lifestyle.
For instance, for the first half of 2008:
-I worked an average of 40 hours per week
-Volunteered once a week at a preschool
-Visited Portland, Seattle, California, Chicago (6 times), Minneapolis, Bonita Springs, Miami, Cincinnati, Rochester, Boston, and Cleveland
Not bad for the first six months of the year and blissful work/life balance. Then I started the REAL adventures of:
-40 days in northern Minnesota at a leadership training facility completely unplugged from cell phone and e-mail
-Canoeing and camping in the Boundary Waters and sailing in the Apostle Islands
– Joined the Extreme Entrepreneurship Road Tour (extremetour.org) and traveled around the country with other young entrepreneurs encouraging high school and college students to pursue entrepreneurship.
-Stepped foot in at least 15 states for personal and professional travel.
I don’t have the biggest business or bank account in the world, but I do have an amazing life rich with experiences and relationships. Now that I’ve completed the fall tour, I’m rebalancing my life so I can once again limit my work to 40 hours a week and have more time to enjoy the other parts of life. (Sadly—I fell into the trap of over commitment leading to burnout this fall.)
I’m not telling you all of these things to brag. I’m telling you about all of the life experiences I’ve enjoyed so that you know it’s possible.
-You can have a business and have a life!
-You can make strategies instead of sacrifices!
-You can do what you want to do and be who you want to be!
My commitment with this blog is to offer relevant, helpful, tips, interviews, and case studies on how to use life strategies and time strategies to your advantage. I’m not a hippie who wants you to walk around barefoot and forsake all of your possessions, but I’m also not a suit that needs to be the first in the office and the last to leave (and tells everyone about my schedule—daily).
I’m all about living life NOW and speaking with joyful urgency that life can be radically different! Let’s Dream! Dare! Discover!® how to create a brilliant life in a burnt-out world.
Thanks for joining me in the adventure!

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