Hello friends!
This year, I’ve really become a fan of Twitter (I am RealLifeE). One of my favorite parts of this social networking tool is that I can easily connect with people of similar interests. One of my recent connections was with LeNesha Carey (On Twitter: MBAMompreneur) who is in the process of starting her first business along with working as a project manager for defense contracts.
Here’s what she has to say on work/life brillianceTM:
Everyday, I’m gaining tips on how to balance business and mommy duties as I am in the
process of working full time, while starting a business, maintaining a blog, and being mom/wife/friend. (Wow!)
Here are Her Top Three Tips:
Empower Children to Help in the Home: I’ve empowered my 11-year-old daughter (since she was 8 years old) to do chores, cook, wash her own clothes, etc. We have scheduled days in which she will even prepare dinner for the family. Not having to focus on the everyday things that our children are more than capable of completing has saved me tons and
taught her real life skills.
Delegation is Key!: With my business startup activities, I focus on those things that I’m passionate about and am successful at. I delegate as much as possible of everything else.
Make Use of Travel Time: To catch up with friends, family, or a good book. When home, I can focus on business activities or mommy duties.
Sounds like spot-on advice to me. If you’d like to read more about LaNesha’s “Real-Time Journey Starting a New Business,” check out her blog at: http://www.MyBusinessAdventures.com
It contains tons of useful links and information on mompreneur events and resources.
Still one more post to go in our mompreneur series!
P.S.–If you’re interested in taking control of your business so you have more time to build your business, contact me to set up a consultation.
Elizabeth Grace Saunders is a time empowerment coach who frees business owners to achieve their dream lifestyles. She specializes in empowering women business owners to achieve work/life brillianceTM
Inc magazine, NBC, and The Chicago Tribune are just a few of the places where Elizabeth has appeared, and she’s happy to be interviewed for your publication or broadcast.
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