Another recent Twitter mompreneur friend is Holly Reisem Hanna. Holly is the founder of The Work at Home Woman, an online business resource and blog for women and mothers who wish to work from home or become self employed. (Basically, she’s living the dream and wants to help you do the same!)
As a mother of a busy two year old, the founder of The Work at Home Woman, and as a Social Network Liaison for a small publishing company, Holly knows how important it is to balance her professional responsibilities while creating quality time for her family and friends.
Here are Holly’s Top 3 Time Management Tips for Creating Work/Life Balance:
Create a Schedule for Yourself: I work at home part-time so it’s easy to get distracted by the laundry, household chores and family members. My two year old requires the majority of my attention so I schedule my work time in before she wakes up in the morning, and then again while she’s napping in the afternoon. This allows me time to write and work without interruptions. By creating a schedule you designate a time slot for all the activities in your day keeping you on track.
If you are working full-time from home and have small children or an elderly parent that requires the majority of your attention, try hiring a college student or care assistant to help you out. This will help to alleviate distractions and allow you to stay focused on the task at hand.
Stop Multi-Tasking and Start Single-Tasking: For most of our lives we have been taught to multi-task, and in some situations it is called for, but the majority of the time it is a huge time waster. By single-tasking, you can fully focus on the task at hand and complete it without interruptions. Give yourself a block of time to complete each task, and stop watching the news, catching up on email and answering phone calls, you’ll be surprised at how much more efficient you’ll become.
Cut Out The Television: T.V. can be a wonderful escape from reality, but nobody needs more than a few hours per week. Make time to watch your favorite programs, but then turn it off and make time for those activities that you say you never have time for. Try reading a new book, sign up for a Pilate’s class or spend quality time with family and friends. By cutting out the mindless television watching, you can free up many hours of extra time to do other more rewarding activities.
These are great tips for any work-at-home entrepreneur! I follow all of them and find it really helps me to put boundaries on my work week.
Do check out Holly’s Web site at The Work at Home Woman for Work at Home Jobs and Resources!
Have a brilliant weekend!
P.S.–If you’re interested in taking control of your time so you work at home effectively, contact me to set up a consultation.
Elizabeth Grace Saunders is a time empowerment coach who frees business owners to achieve their dream lifestyles. She specializes in empowering women business owners to achieve work/life brillianceTM
Inc magazine, NBC, and The Chicago Tribune are just a few of the places where Elizabeth has appeared, and she’s happy to be interviewed for your publication or broadcast.
Thank you for sharing real life time mgmt tips. This is a hugely important area for me. P.S. limiting tv is a huge time saver. I limit tv watching to one weekly show (Heroes) and a movie on the weekend. Otherwise, its so easy to get sucked in to show after show and we dont accommplish our goals.
Thank you for featuring The Work at Home Woman – I’m honored!
My pleasure Holly! Thanks for all you do for work-at-home mompreneurs!