In the past two weeks, I’ve sat through four graduation ceremonies with more people streaming by in funny robes than Star Wars!
But thanks to the fact that I have learned (and relearned) how to live out my ideal schedule, I was able to enjoy seeing my brother and sister walk across the stage and also cheer on friends for their accomplishments (go Varnya!) It’s such a blessing to share in commemorating milestones without frantically checking e-mail or worrying about what still needed to be done. When you have a plan, you can rest in the moment and be fully present.
Although this may seem impossible right now, this kind of confidence and tranquility can be yours too!!!
Check out and sign up for my newsletter through to discover the keys to work/life brilliance™. (The month’s newsletter features exclusive content from Sandi McKenna on saving time and money with 4 fabulous online PR tools–you won’t find this info anywhere on my blog.)
Have a brilliant day!!
If you want to end your feelings of overwhelm and guilt and step into the future with confidence, contact Elizabeth today.
Elizabeth Grace Saunders is a time coachand trainerwho empowers women in business to achieve work/life brillianceTMthrough strategic time management. Inc magazine, NBC, and The Chicago Tribune are just a few of the places where Elizabeth has appeared, and she’s happy to be interviewed for your publication or broadcast.
About Elizabeth Grace Saunders
Elizabeth Grace Saunders is the founder and CEO of Real Life E® a time coaching and training company that empowers individuals who feel guilty, overwhelmed and frustrated to feel peaceful, confident and accomplished through an exclusive Schedule Makeover™ process. She is an expert on achieving more success with less stress. Real Life E® also increases employee productivity, satisfaction and work/life balance through custom training programs.
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